Hi. Welcome to my blog. There are many things I want to do. But hopefully, as I go through this crazy world we live in, they say the internet allows millions of people worldwide to interact with each other. I have no intentions of reaching that many, but you never know. Let's see where this journey goes. If it makes a difference in your life, then the journey would be complete.


Friday, August 5, 2011
Sweet elbow macaroni salad, hmmm...yummy! Since all the ingredients needed to make this salad are available at home, t'was so easy for me to make this. I have nestle cream, "kaong"-which we bought from Asian store,mayonnaise, pineapple chunks, condensed milk, elbow macaroni, raisins, and cubes of apples. I made this yesterday and chilled it on the fridge last night. This morning when I was preparing hubby's lunch (green salad and fruits) to be taken to his work, I asked him if he wanted some of my macaroni salad... he said yes just a little (because of his diet...you know :).
And at around 12noon today after eating his lunch, he called me from his office and he said my macaroni salad was great! and it has to be something that he wants me to make too often...oh,well... who doesn't like sweet macaroni salad anyway? As far as I'm concern, everybody loves it!

sweet macaroni salad!!! yummm...

sweet macaroni salad

sweet macaroni salad

sweet macaroni salad


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